Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

OMG!! Can I just steal this post to make up for our many months of not posting anything because life has become .... just LIFE? How often do you want to see pictures of unbelievable skyscapes from our balconies? Or details of our progress in Portuguese class? or that our favorite bread, Pão D'Avó (Grandma's Bread) just went up in price from €1,13 to €1,18? It's true. Our lives are not "adventures" anymore. For the travelers and explorers and tryers-on, the early posts might have been helpful, but, wherever you land, there you are! And so glad that you two landed so happily and comfortably. Happy 2024. Looking forward to new posts - whatever they bring.

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I don't know, that Pão D'Avó bit seems like it's worth a few hundred words ... :-D.

This is the part where I start to realize just how uneventful my every day existence really is. Which is fine. A little calm is welcome.

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

You're excellent writers. And -- like you -- I tend to write about *controversial* (provocative?) topics, as well as Portugal-centric ones. My blog posts are on WordPress.

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Thanks, Bruce!

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I'm heartened to see another Portugal immigrant like me bring up the elephant in the room, and by elephant of course, I mean Nazi. I’ve also been on the fence about staying or going from this platform, but thought I'd mention that if you pivot to discussing political and other serious issues, I'm so here for that. Seeing as we left the U.S. because we didn't want to become the victims of America's fascists, the stance the founders here have taken has been very much a sore spot for me.

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It certainly won't be our focus moving forward but 2024 is looking like a consequential year for global politics.

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Indeed. I'm following what unfolds here in Portugal and in Europe more broadly with a fair amount of trepidation.

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

Thank you for sharing. We are greatly enjoying our lives in Portugal as well as some of the challenges. I am also very concerned about any platform monetizing hate (and left the former Twitter after its acquisition by Musk). I believe the border between hate speech and free speech varies with the level of education in a society. As education erodes a society becomes more susceptible to ignorance-fueled fear, hatred, and ‘othering’ of those who look different, believe differently, and/or love differently. As such, hate speech can more readily incite violence. I am hopeful that the founders of substack will ban hate speech and groups. And if they do not, I will look at other emerging platforms.

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Well said!

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

The idea of hearing about your lives is very appealing.

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

Don't you love it when the wrapping is as appreciated as the gift?

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She would have torn that to tiny shreds if we'd let her :-D.

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Jan 9Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

Have you thought about Wordpress? Check it out.

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I had looked into it and have done so again per your suggestion. It's a possibility for sure. Thank you!

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

I'll always read anything you two write. The Substack thing is serious if the Nazis are making money from it, tho. Pls. keep an eye on that hot mess. I'm glad life is settling down to something approaching "normal".

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It is a hot mess indeed. Happy New Year, Aunt Phyllis!

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

I very much enjoy reading about your experiences in Portugal and why you chose Lisboa. I had the pleasure of visiting Portugal in 2015 or 2016. I noticed the absence of your emails and was afraid they had stopped. Thanks so much for continuing!

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

I enjoy your perspectives and hearing about life in Portugal but can certainly understand why you may feel you’ve run out of things to say. Once you have jumped through all of the immigration hoops the blog is less cathartic, more of a monkey on your back! Good luck with whatever writing frequency and topics you decide on. The readers will still be here. If you aren’t stuck on a single producer of wine, there’s always that!

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We don't actually drink wine. Or coffee. Why are we in Portugal? Good question! :-D

Thanks for your kind words.

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Jan 8Liked by Scott H-K, Amy Redfield

Noted the holiday hiatus. Glad you are back in action. Eager to see the perspective the "new angle" offers you. Boa sorte!

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Thanks, Tom and happy new year!

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Jan 10Liked by Scott H-K

I am always up for anything you - or Josie - want to share. And I bet there is much those of us still Stateside can learn from your perspective on politics, religion, and The Eras Tour, coming to you in May. Can't wait to hear about that fan base compared the the Pope Pilgrims!

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I'm all over The Eras Tour. Can't get tix, though ...

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Liked by Scott H-K

Totally agree you two have earned a break -- and I assumed that's what it was. Your posts have been a wonderful gift that I did nothing to earn. You might even call it grace. Thank you so much!

I would love to hear more about life in Portugal. What about the art/museum scene? How is your church community growing or changing? What do people do for entertainment -- concerts, plays, sports, etc.? Economics...what does the country export? import? Interesting stories from history are always a winner with me...

If you switch to political issues, you may well lose me. I get plenty of that from other sources. But I am interested in how daily life in the EU differs from the US of A...as you have done to some degree with the health care system and other things. How does the education system work? What is the retirement age and do they have something like Social Security?

Maybe you have already covered much of this...I'll have to browse your index. But thank you again for what is always a fun read!

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Some good fodder in here. Thank you for the suggestions. We certainly don't intend to focus on political issues but it's hard to live in this world without noticing them. And there are some interesting things happening politically in Portugal right now (like our Prime Minister abruptly resigned about 6-8 weeks ago and there are snap elections scheduled for early March).

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Jan 9Liked by Scott H-K

I'm here for whatever you choose to share. :-)

As for the Nazi situation on Substack, I've been pondering that too. I've had a Wordpress blog and am not interested in going back to that, but I also have not decided where else I might move my writing to.

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I'm curious to hear about your experience with Wordpress. Feel free to DM me.

Happy New Year!

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I sent you a text via Whatsapp.

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Jan 9Liked by Scott H-K

I wasn't aware that Substack allowed Nazi type stuff, thanks for sharing. If they continue to do so I hope you can find another platform

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I’m looking forward to seeing your blog evolve here or another platform. Thanks for keeping us informed in all the ways.

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