Feb 19Liked by Amy Redfield

Going to point out that ChatGPT and other AIs are all incredibly energy demanding, which is not exactly good for climate change

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Feb 24Liked by Amy Redfield

Scary stuff! It was a big concern about moving from wet St Louis to dry desert in Nevada, but we were assured by some folks and articles that there is an active plan in place and the Nevada water company has it under control (we'll see). We do have very restricted watering schedules, and no grass lawns allowed, so that's good.

Thanks for the interesting info! Our fav video on the LA black balls is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxPdPpi5W4o

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I was thinking about you when I was writing it.

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Feb 20Liked by Amy Redfield

South Africa had been a place I was considering but not with the water situation.

Relatedly, I am worried about the impact of the loss of the Atlantic Ocean circulator will have. The Gulf Stream disappearing will have dramatic consequences on the weather in Western Europe and it will cause sea level rise on the US East Coast. As you mentioned, predictions for this happening continue to be updated with dates that are sooner and sooner.

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Yep x 3

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Feb 19Liked by Amy Redfield

It amazes me how little conversation there is about this in the U.S. Thanks for your thoughtful post. I shared it on FB. I have been ultra conservative with water for years, for this very reason. And I recently switched to a compost toilet after reading (and having the info right in my face) just how much water the toilet uses. I have friends that have recently purchased land in Santa Fe. Yes, they are artists... But I think they are nuts! ;-) We are all kicking the can down the road.

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You said it beautifully. We're kicking the can down the road. Each time we kick it, the can gets bigger.

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Feb 20Liked by Amy Redfield

It does indeed.

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Very interesting and informative. Thanks.

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Very interesting topic close to my heart as we have very much been affected by the water shortages. Our 2nd year here our irrigation water allocation was cut 50% from the previous year. Last year it was reduced 10%. We are still waiting to here what our allocation will be this year as they are still trying to sort it out. They say wars will be fought over water in the future. I am already reading about Portugal and Spain squabbling over the water in the Taugus river.

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