Excellent overview for those planning to move to Portugal. Mindful that despite all the craziness described, they don't have a documented liar and criminal endorsed for the presidency by millions of people.

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Great post. I won't even ATTEMPT to compare this to where we all come from. :-) At least SOMEONE is being held accountable here - even if only for a minute.

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Thanks for all your research. Who was it who said democracy is absolutely the worst form of government. Except for all the rest?

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Oh wow, this is so much fun! Keep it going! I can't wait to find out what happens next!

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First off, you should be In journalism. Such a clear overview!

As for similarities, human nature is pretty universal, so you see this sort of shenanigans everywhere. As a small country, Portugal’s scandals have more of a jr high/South American vibe than larger countries. But I don’t get the sense that you have the bitter divisiveness and existential challenges that we have in the US.

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Portugal has more of a resigned, Fado air about it.

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Tremendous, cogent summation of the "festival of incoherences" - a term I love and will borrow frequently to apply to all sorts of zany circumstances, especially in the world of enrollment management! Boa sorte!

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Great work! Since living in Portugal I have tried to understand what is going on politically but it's difficult to keep track of it all. I greatly appreciate how you are able to piece it together in a coherent and well-written manner with a dash of humor.

Personally, I was very unhappy to see Marta Temido leave her post. I felt she was the one person everyone, including me, trusted during the difficult time of COVID. The way she led us slowly and with caution into wearing masks and then into lockdown was brilliant. Temido was on TV everyday providing information and keeping everyone calm with her forthright and professional manner. She was the only person in any form of leadership around the world who I believed, trusted and admired.

She worked hard and got us through it.

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I'm glad you found the post helpful, Dora. And yes, I was struck by how well-regarded Marta Temido seemed to have been during COVID (we weren't here yet). She hasn't left politics altogether, though, and it's possible her personal popularity helped PS win eight seats in the European parliamentary elections last week. She will be heading to Brussels to represent Portugal: https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2024-06-11/who-were-the-winner-and-losers-in-the-european-elections/89733

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Excellent! Thank you for letting me know.

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When I think about Portuguese politics compared to U.S. politics, I always think of the phrase "the charming corruption of yesteryear." Sure - they're all stuffing cash in their pockets and yes, the new big government contract is probably gonna go to the minster's moron brother-in-law, but is anyone building gallows outside Parliament while smearing feces on the wall of the presidential palace? No. They're not.

So... in summary, I'd say everything is just fine here in lovely PT!!

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Excellent post with a well thought out flow and level of detail. Thanks for putting it together.

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This article is a tour de force. Thank you for putting in the time to write such an excellent article. It is greatly appreciated.

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This sounds all too familiar with some orange exceptions.

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Sounds very familiar and that's all I'll say.

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I’d say US & Portugal are running a close race. Different issues same colorful, corrupt crack pots. Although Portugal seems more peddle to the metal. Congrats.

One of the dismissed jurors said Trump looked less orange. Is that a sign we’re pulling ahead… or falling back. Or are those options one and the same?

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Very interesting 🙂

The age issue makes me wonder about immigration policies. But, the country would have to be attractive to potential immigrants and that sounds iffy given salaries and housing (of course, housing seems to be short everywhere).

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The holy grail here is a remote, overseas job while living in Portugal with its easier cost of living.

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When phasing out the Golden Visa, the government also announced a new Digital Nomad visa. As Amy correctly points out, those who can earn a salary outside of Portugal and spend it inside are usually coming out ahead as the cost of living for everything but housing is lower than most places in western Europe. Digital nomads tend to be younger.

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