Thank you for your honesty and openness. I think we all sugarcoat our public personas to some extent. I hope you can find the help you need and can begin truly enjoying the adventure soon.

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Thank you!

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Wow - a lot to deal with under trying circumstances. Maybe you can find a bakery where the bread is fresh, not packaged with ingredient lists required?? Anyhow, honesty and resourcefulness are good. Most other peoples' posts, not so much; they're usually aspirational rather than accurate.

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At this point, I would rather have the ingredient list. These are fresh-baked grocery store breads and they have dairy in them for some reason. I don't feel like I can trust any bread products here unless I can see what's in them.

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It was time to take the sugar coating off your posts. You are wise to seek counseling and I hope you both find the right person. Others may be posting their delightful lives in paradise but it's the transition you two are making that is important. Huge hugs and much love.❤️

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Thank you!

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Sending so many hugs! And remember - those FB posters just aren't as brave and honest as you. Or they are oblivious. (Favorite line from Bull Durham: "The world was made for people not cursed with self awareness.")

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Thanks, Moira!

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I SO appreciate the honesty. Moving across the world and starting over with everything is like being a toddler. You know nothing, nowhere, no one. You can't even really communicate. Depression and rage are weekly occurences for us as well. Thanks for the validation. :)

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Don't know if you're still struggling with the Portuguese bidet but here goes. I learned this by going on Reddit and have proven it to be the best technique on a recent trip to Portugal. So note that I am using your toilet photo as reference. So you've done your business start on the toilet. (You should not have any article of clothing from the waist down.) From this point, you anchor your left foot on the floor, right at that space between the toilet and bidet. Then you slowly half rise and pivot on your left foot, bringing your right foot and right leg over the bidet. Then you gently sit on the bidet, straddling the bowl, facing the faucet. At this point, you can now wash yourself which means you should have soap next to the bidet faucet. The nozzle moves too for better aim.

Well, I hope these instructions help! If it's any consolation, we initially thought it was a bowl for cleaning feet. 🤣 It did not help that we have a Japanese-style, heated seat, bidet at home that just attaches to the toilet. So a very different, Portuguese version confused us too...

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Thanks for this! You started to lose me at "you should not have any article of clothing from the waist down" and I officially gave up on our bidet when I reached "you should have soap next to the bidet faucet". 🤣

We had a bidet in St. Louis that fit under the toilet seat. I installed it myself. That was helpful. This just seems dangerous. Maybe some day we'll return to the under seat option . . . *sigh*

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I like the toddler analogy. It does get better, just like toddlers (usually) do. Hang in there!

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