When we first started looking for somewhere to live in Lisbon, we had a very hard time finding places. And we mean just locating them on the map! Everything was abbreviated, and they were all not what we expected. Now that we’ve been out walking - and walking and walking - it’s making more sense. Please note that this is all we’re aware we’ve stumbled onto yet. Street names are on little plaques attached to buildings. Finding them is sort of like a scavenger hunt.
Avenidas are the major roads in Lisbon, with multiple lanes of traffic in each direction, usually. They are shortened to Av on most maps.
Close to us is the Avenida da Liberdade, which was designed after the boulevards of Paris. At its heart are two four-lane roads. On either side are long islands with walkways on either side and quiosques that sell food with al-fresco dining. We say island because as we continue to work our way out from the middle we find one-way bypass roads.

Ruas are the work-horse streets and the most common. Usually it is Rua de. We are a Rua do. Their abbreviation is R.
Travessas (T or Tr or Tv) are alleys and not meant for cars. The ones we have stumbled across have been steep and mostly residential, but our thriving cobbler is in a Travessa.
Acesso is the newest one for us. It seems to be an alley that doesn’t go all the way through. Like a dead end street.
That’s all for now!
Love from Lisbon,
Scott & Amy
Oh! The trees that edge the island are lovely! Lacy , dappled shade.
I am assuming that Ruas are male or female depending upon what or whom they are named for? It's interesting.
Great photos!